Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Difference between arts and science

We all had known for ages that Science and Arts are two different faculties, at least at the basic level. But I am almost sure you never have given a thought before reading this post on this topic. You never have tried to make a list of differences between these two streams. But trust me,  knowing these differences will leave you stunned, at least if you a Arts of science student. Knowing these difference will increase the value of your comprehension of your study, and add value to your efforts as a student of arts or science.
To explain one big difference, I will take the help of an example. Tell me the name of a great reknowned scientist- some one who worked on  experimental side  as well as on  theoretical front . Lets say, he is Sir Iassac Newton. Newton performed hundreds of experiments in his lifetime , and some of these experiments are repeated by  undergraduate science students .
Well, see, Newton did these experiments almost a couple of centuries ago. Can you do his experiments again ? You , of course may not be able to design a new experiment like he did, but you can verymuch repeat his experiments, like him , or may be like someone better then him in doing these experiments(this is because, you now have access to more experimental tools and techniques than  those of Newtons time). In summary, you or I , as persons of average intelligence, can do experiments of Newton, like Newton himself.
Now let us recall the name of a great Artist of all time . Let me cite the name of Leonardo Da Vinci. Yo0u may have your own. The next thing that comes to our mind is the Portrait of Monalisa. Csan you , or me , or some one else of our time , draw this picture again, like Da Vinci? Can Someone beat Leonardo Da Vinci in drawing Monalisa 's Portrait again. No , no one can do it.
So whats  the conclusion? You can do an experiment designed by Sir Iassac Newton in a way better than Newton, but you cant beat Leonardo Da Vinci in drawing Monalisa 's Portrait. Why ?
 Newton was a Scientist, so you can be better than him. But Vinci was an artist, you can t be better.
That is the great difference between Art and Science. In Science, when we repeat /do something  we do it in a way, which minimises our errors.We tend to be more methodical, logical, calculative, only to minimise our errors. We do the hard work to minimise errors.
But in Arts, our focus is not to be methodical, or to minimise errors. If we make error, our hardest efforts will not be recorded in pages of history.PEople still cite Vinci's work , say Monalisa, even today, only because, as people call it,  "its just perfect"!
In arts our aim is to be perfect, and only few people can achieve perfection. Therefore not every one can become an Artist. But in science our aim is to minimise errors, and any hardworking person of average intelligence and skill can do miracle as a  Scientist  .

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Four Primitive Logic families

Nomenclature :
Logic families are named in the format “XYL” or X Y Logic.
A logic family means a family of active or passive electronic devices used to  build logic gates.within the Logic gate, usually two functions  have to be handled: 
  • The gati ng of the input signals, or for which a input network is required within the gate, and  
  •  Switching/amplifying the logic signal levels.

In the nomenclature “XY Logic” , device X performs the first function, while device Y performs the second function.
Some basic definitions:
(a)FAN IN : the maximum number of digital inputs that a single logic gate can accept
(b)FAN-OUT:maximum number of digital inputs that the output of a single logic gate can feed
(c)Propagation Delay : The time required for the output of a digital circuit to change states after a change at one or more of its input
Comparison of primitive logic families:
The DRL, RTL, DTL, and TTL logic families are compared in the following table :
Logic family
Year Introduced
Characteristics 1
Characteristic 2
Disadvantage 1
Disadvantage 2
Present status
Before 1950

Uses passive components, no active device used
Doesnot provide amplification and hence no amplification is possible
Simple and inexpensive
Does not provide amplification, hence no inversion  is possible , i.e., a NOT gate cant be constructed
Lack of amplification leads to signal degradation
Obsolete due to its limitations

~ 1950s
Complemented Transistor –Diode Logic ,High Threshold Logic

Eliminates signal degradation and and power dissipation
Propagation Delay is Larger

Direct coupled Transistor logic,Resistor Capacitor transistor Logic

Very in efficient, because  it dissipates a large amount of pawer as heat
Low fan In
Obsolete due to its limitations
Many generations of it :L,  H, S, LS, ALS, F AS

Have been in market for a log time , example 7400 series of ICs